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Curated articles encompassing your spiritual fascination

aghori sadhu meditating in sitting posture with garland beads in hands

Learn about esoteric practices

The Aghoris are one of the principal Indian traditions and the most extreme and fascinating form of the Tantra. It is said that Aghoris drink liquors, smoke ganja, eat meat (in some rites also human meat). They use a human skull as a bowl, wander among the funeral pyres, meditate at night and don’t have any sex inhibition. Similarly Tantrikas, Illuminatis, Naga Sadhus, Himalayan Yogis, Shaivites, Ashoka’s Secret Nine are such esoteric groups.

man wearing white pants under blue sky, doing an inverted yoga pose

Step-wise yoga guidance

Yoga has seen tremendous popularity in the 21st century. It is conceived as some sort of physical exercises in western countries. But, it has more deeper roots. It can shake the core of your individuality. Meditation is also a part of Yoga. The ancient yogic techniques are seldom taught by experts and often misunderstood by masses. Literature is vast and available in mostly Sanskrit, Pali and Hindi. Almost all of Eastern religions have practiced different parts of Yoga in one way or the other.

person in yellow protective suit doing a yoga pose

Stay focused amidst chaos

Your lifestyle and habits have a direct effect on your physical, mental, and emotional health. With the advent of social media apps, maintaining calm and composure has become an uphill task. Multiple studies have shown a strong connection between heavy usage of social media and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. Slow deep breaths, mindful meditation, listening to soothing music are some of the healthy habits.

woman wearing brown shirt carrying black leather bag on front of library books

Food for your intellect

The Vedas are the source of integral wisdom, science, tradition and culture of a remarkable civilization. They are not only identified as scriptures, but also as the fountain head of Indian culture and human civilization. Similarly Pāli Canon, Agamas, Tao Te Ching, Guru Granth Sahib are such sacred texts. Reading them deepens one’s enquiry for laws of nature and reality. Only an intellectual mind can comprehend revelations hidden in such works.