About Spiritual Curiosity (SC), it is a website started in 2021. It publishes posts in several categories – Yoga, Spirituality, Lifestyle, Health & Fitness, Philosophy, etc. The quality of posts is generally kept high and its length ranges from 700 ~ 1500 words. It is ensured that every post is written in an unbiased manner and content has been prepared from referring to genuine books & websites.
Our Mission
We aim to enhance the productivity, lifestyle, and knowledge of our readers by exposing them to spiritual practices and traditions across the world. SC blog is in pursuit of freely disseminating knowledge of different religions, cultural practices, philosophies, and spirituality in a broader sense. Meanwhile, we aim that our content is from the most authentic sources with their interpretations (without distorting their intended meaning/method).
Everyone has inherited curiosity (in Sanskrit, jigyasa) to know themselves (in Sanskrit, aatma). Spiritual Curiosity refers to this curiosity that everyone has in the field of spirituality. SC blog is about encouraging the curiosity of an individual and also providing information to know oneself better. Although spirituality is a vast topic, this blog, however, showcases more of an individual’s point of view.
The creators of this blog don’t support any hierarchical structure as commonly observed in religious sects: the Master – Disciple (in Sanskrit, Guru – Shishiya) lineage. They aspire that blog is identified as a part of a decentralized spiritual community network.

The team behind this blog consists of a few individuals who share common interests in the fields of Philosophy, Spirituality, Psychology, Theology, Physics, and Mathematics. Professionally, team members are employed in private jobs. Meanwhile, they take interest in Spirituality as a hobby. Apart from the job, a definite amount of time is dedicated to meditation, reading blogs and books, listening to podcasts, doing workouts, etc. Team members often discuss certain questions that challenge one’s individual identity, rules of life, morality, etc. Hence tend to seek clarity on this blurry and mysterious nature of life.
In the group, each one of us carries different ideas and opinions. Some of the opinions are polar opposite while some are overlapping in nature. SC blog is to put coherent insights forward. There are more than 30 religions, hundreds of distinctive ideologies, and dozens of remarkable philosophies; just to cater to spiritual curiosity of an individual. So many people have spent their lives narrowing down these ideas & combining them in moral constructs or social norms or revolutionized thinking.
The creators of this blog have drawn inspiration from the Shulba Sutras, found under Yajurveda. The logo for our blog is an abstract art form resembling an eagle in orange colour. The bird’s upward face towards the vast sky symbolizes the infinite knowledge with wings helping it to attain it.
“The intellectual genius Baudhayana, described the Vedic altar space in general and then the 14 uttaravedi forms. The Śulbasūtras and the Sathapatha Brahmana have instructions for constructing sacrificial altars (Vedi) and locating sacred fires (Agni). The procedures described for their construction involve methods for approximating the values for the square roots of 2 and 5. One of the most elaborate public altars was shaped like a giant falcon (in Sanskrit, Garuḍa) poised for flight (both rectilinear & with curved wings and extended tail). One may speculate that the geometry eventually codified in the Śulbasūtras could have come down from the Harappan period. If this is so, then the first and earliest discontinuity in the chronology of Indian mathematics has been filled with the assistance of kiln-fired bricks.” The citation for the paper is :
George Gherveghese Joseph, "The Geometry of Vedic Altars", pp. 97-113 in Nexus: Architecture and Mathematics, ed. Kim Williams, Fucecchio (Florence): Edizioni dell'Erba, 1996 [link]

Highlights of blog
- Spiritual Curiosity (SC) blog is free of cost in general. Each and every article is free or requires no sign-in for accessing.
- The Guide Section is where productivity enhanching spiritual practices likes pranayama, asanas, and meditation technqiues like Trataka are explained properly using accurate sources and experienced practitioners.
- The Spiritual Articles section covers fascinating spiritual topics (like sexual energy) and philosophies that form the theoretical ground-work for most of spiritual practices.
- Famous stories are published which have spiritual / motivational insights in Stories category. The post contains three sections :
- Story narration
- Meaning / message
- References
- SC blog displays Quick tips and Wisdom Bites (famous quotes), located at the bottom of every page/post, in footer section. Both keep on changing on page reload in a random fashion. The nature of tips and quotes are related to categories of the blog.
- Generally, blogs which contain too much in-depth articles become difficult to understand for newcomers. Hence, SC blog’s content is kept at an intermediate level. It is easy to understand for an amateur and also goes to optimum depth to serve experienced readers. Instead of covering every complexity of a topic, this blog provides detailed references for further reading.
Added advantage
- We provide free assistance to all subscribers of blog via email. Queries are entertained & thoroughly solved if found related to topics mentioned in blog.
- We publish transcripts of interviews (almost verbatim). The interviews are conducted with spiritual teachers like Buddhist monks, Hindu sadhus and world philosophers. It is sheer bliss to listen to such individuals. They speak only when right questions are asked. Hence, we consistently thrive upon improving our own sadhna (in English, practice) and jnana (in English, knowledge).The interview is mostly casual yet a basic format is followed when posting :
- Brief description of individual
- Keywords / Tags
- Questions as per their proficiency
- Personal / secret technique
- Message for the readers
- References
- Specially designed Yoga and meditation plans. Plans comprise detailed instruction at every step. They are manually designed under guidance of domain experts. As of now, it is available only for our premium subscribers.
- Topics of articles in different categories are chosen from spiritual point of view only. For example, Lifestyle category can have vast number of topics to mention, but we limit them to only those topics which have a spiritual inclination or a spiritual outlook.
- The approach of blog is quite skeptical towards any religion or philosophy, unless it is essential to assume tenets of a philosophy / religion to move inward for further exploration.
- It is well kept in mind that the blog doesn’t point to any particular religion / sect / cult / philosophy. Rather our aim is to cover multiple aspects of a religion and philosophy.
- SC blog has a provision of Premium subscribers‘ list. List’s members enjoy special benefits and consist of those subscribers which have made valuable contribution to the blog. Any individual who is added to the premium subscribers’ list remains for a maximum period of 6 months, after which he / she is reverted back to regular subscribers‘ list. Howsoever, final decision to add any existing subscriber to Premium subscribers’ list lies solely with SC blog, but below are the key factors :
- following blog, liking and commenting on posts by signing through wordpress[dot]com accounts
- following blog through social media handlers, liking and commenting on their posts
- donating a certain amount
- sending us suggestions and queries which may help in improving content of our blog
- Kindly read our disclaimer for clarity on our approach while writing content.