लक्ष्मी चालीसा | Lakshmi Chalisa Full: Laxmi Chalisa Hindi PDF

In the rich tapestry of Hindu spirituality, Goddess Laxmi stands as a beacon of wealth, prosperity, and fortune. Revered by millions, she embodies the blessings of material and spiritual abundance. One of the most profound ways to connect with her divine energy is through the recitation of the Laxmi Chalisa. This sacred hymn, composed of forty verses, holds the key to unlocking immense blessings in one’s life.

Understanding Goddess Laxmi

Goddess Laxmi, also spelled Lakshmi, is one of the principal deities in Hinduism. She is the consort of Lord Vishnu, the preserver in the Holy Trinity. Laxmi symbolizes not just material wealth but also spiritual wealth, prosperity, fertility, good fortune, and courage.

Symbolism and Attributes

  • Lotus Flower: She is often depicted seated or standing on a lotus, symbolizing purity and spiritual power.
  • Four Hands: Represent the four goals of human life—dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kama (desires), and moksha (liberation).
  • Gold Coins: Flowing from her hands signify endless prosperity and generosity.

Legends Associated with Laxmi

According to ancient scriptures, during the cosmic event of Samudra Manthan (the churning of the ocean), Goddess Laxmi emerged from the ocean, bringing with her the blessings of wealth and fortune to the gods.

What is the Laxmi Chalisa?

The word “Chalisa” comes from the Hindi word “chalis,” meaning forty. Therefore, a Chalisa is a devotional hymn consisting of forty verses dedicated to a deity. The Laxmi Chalisa is a poetic composition that praises Goddess Laxmi, narrating her virtues, her blessings, and her role in the universe.

Historical Background

While the exact origins of the Laxmi Chalisa are not definitively known, it has been passed down through generations as an essential part of devotional practices. It is believed to have been composed by Ramdas Ji who sought to encapsulate the essence of Goddess Laxmi’s blessings in a concise and potent form.

Laxmi Chalisa in Hindi Lyrics

श्री लक्ष्मी चालीसा

॥ दोहा 

मातु लक्ष्मी करि कृपा, करो हृदय में वास ।

मनोकामना सिद्ध करि, परुवहु मेरी आस ॥

॥ सोरठा 

यही मोर अरदास, हाथ जोड़ विनती करुं ।

सब विधि करौ सुवास, जय जननि जगदम्बिका ॥

॥ चौपाई 

सिन्धु सुता मैं सुमिरौ तोही । ज्ञान बुद्धि विद्या दो मोही ॥

तुम समान नहिं कोई उपकारी । सब विधि पुरवहु आस हमारी ॥

जय जय जगत जननि जगदम्बा । सबकी तुम ही हो अवलम्बा ॥

तुम ही हो सब घट घट वासी । विनती यही हमारी खासी ॥

जगजननी जय सिन्धु कुमारी । दीनन की तुम हो हितकारी ॥

विनवौं नित्य तुमहिं महारानी । कृपा करौ जग जननि भवानी ॥

केहि विधि स्तुति करौं तिहारी । सुधि लीजै अपराध बिसारी ॥

कृपा दृष्टि चितववो मम ओरी । जगजननी विनती सुन मोरी ॥

ज्ञान बुद्धि जय सुख की दाता । संकट हरो हमारी माता ॥

क्षीरसिन्धु जब विष्णु मथायो । चौदह रत्न सिन्धु में पायो ॥

चौदह रत्न में तुम सुखरासी । सेवा कियो प्रभु बनि दासी ॥

जब जब जन्म जहां प्रभु लीन्हा । रुप बदल तहं सेवा कीन्हा ॥

स्वयं विष्णु जब नर तनु धारा । लीन्हेउ अवधपुरी अवतारा ॥

तब तुम प्रगट जनकपुर माहीं । सेवा कियो हृदय पुलकाहीं ॥

अपनाया तोहि अन्तर्यामी । विश्व विदित त्रिभुवन की स्वामी ॥

तुम सम प्रबल शक्ति नहीं आनी । कहं लौ महिमा कहौं बखानी ॥

मन क्रम वचन करै सेवकाई । मन इच्छित वांछित फल पाई ॥

तजि छल कपट और चतुराई । पूजहिं विविध भांति मनलाई ॥

और हाल मैं कहौं बुझाई । जो यह पाठ करै मन लाई ॥

ताको कोई कष्ट नोई । मन इच्छित पावै फल सोई ॥

त्राहि त्राहि जय दुःख निवारिणि । त्रिविध ताप भव बंधन हारिणी ॥

जो चालीसा पढ़ै पढ़ावै । ध्यान लगाकर सुनै सुनावै ॥

ताकौ कोई न रोग सतावै । पुत्र आदि धन सम्पत्ति पावै ॥

पुत्रहीन अरु सम्पति हीना । अन्ध बधिर कोढ़ी अति दीना ॥

विप्र बोलाय कै पाठ करावै । शंका दिल में कभी न लावै ॥

पाठ करावै दिन चालीसा । ता पर कृपा करैं गौरीसा ॥

सुख सम्पत्ति बहुत सी पावै । कमी नहीं काहू की आवै ॥

बारह मास करै जो पूजा । तेहि सम धन्य और नहिं दूजा ॥

प्रतिदिन पाठ करै मन माही । उन सम कोइ जग में कहुं नाहीं ॥

बहुविधि क्या मैं करौं बड़ाई । लेय परीक्षा ध्यान लगाई ॥

करि विश्वास करै व्रत नेमा । होय सिद्ध उपजै उर प्रेमा ॥

जय जय जय लक्ष्मी भवानी । सब में व्यापित हो गुण खानी ॥

तुम्हरो तेज प्रबल जग माहीं । तुम सम कोउ दयालु कहुं नाहिं ॥

मोहि अनाथ की सुधि अब लीजै । संकट काटि भक्ति मोहि दीजै ॥

भूल चूक करि क्षमा हमारी । दर्शन दजै दशा निहारी ॥

बिन दर्शन व्याकुल अधिकारी । तुमहि अछत दुःख सहते भारी ॥

नहिं मोहिं ज्ञान बुद्धि है तन में । सब जानत हो अपने मन में ॥

रुप चतुर्भुज करके धारण । कष्ट मोर अब करहु निवारण ॥

केहि प्रकार मैं करौं बड़ाई । ज्ञान बुद्धि मोहि नहिं अधिकाई ॥

॥ दोहा 

त्राहि त्राहि दुख हारिणी, हरो वेगि सब त्रास ।

जयति जयति जय लक्ष्मी, करो शत्रु को नाश ॥

रामदास धरि ध्यान नित, विनय करत कर जोर ।

मातु लक्ष्मी दास पर, करहु दया की कोर ॥

Laxmi Chalisa in Hindi PDF Download

The Structure of Laxmi Chalisa

The Laxmi Chalisa is structured to guide the devotee through a spiritual journey, starting with invoking the Goddess’s presence, praising her attributes, and seeking her blessings.

Breakdown of the Verses

  1. Invocation: The initial verses call upon Goddess Laxmi, inviting her into the devotee’s life.
  2. Praise: Descriptions of her beauty, virtues, and cosmic roles.
  3. Narratives: Stories and anecdotes illustrating her benevolence.
  4. Supplication: Requests for her blessings, protection, and guidance.
  5. Conclusion: Expressions of gratitude and reaffirmation of faith.

Key Themes and Messages

  • Divine Grace: Emphasizes the importance of seeking and earning the Goddess’s grace.
  • Righteous Living: Encourages moral and ethical conduct as a means to attract prosperity.
  • Detachment: Reminds devotees to balance material desires with spiritual growth.

Summary of the Verses

  • Verses 1-10: Invocation of Goddess Lakshmi, acknowledging her as the source of all prosperity and the consort of Lord Vishnu.
  • Verses 11-20: Descriptions of her divine form, adorned with jewels and seated on a lotus, symbolizing purity and spiritual enlightenment.
  • Verses 21-30: Narratives of her benevolent acts, bestowing wealth and removing obstacles from the lives of her devotees.
  • Verses 31-40: Prayers for blessings, protection, and the fulfillment of desires, culminating in a reaffirmation of faith.

Themes and Motifs

  • Prosperity and Abundance: Central to the Chalisa is the theme of material and spiritual wealth, emphasizing that true prosperity encompasses both.
  • Purity and Virtue: The lotus, a recurring motif, symbolizes purity arising from the murky waters of material existence.
  • Devotion and Surrender: The hymn encourages complete faith and surrender to Goddess Lakshmi as the path to receiving her blessings.

Literary Devices Used

  • Alliteration and Metaphor: Enhance the poetic appeal and aid in conveying complex spiritual concepts simply.
  • Repetition: Employed for emphasis, reinforcing key attributes of the goddess.
  • Symbolism: Utilizes symbols like the lotus and gold to represent purity and wealth

Benefits of Reciting Laxmi Chalisa

Spiritual Benefits

  • Enhanced Devotion: Deepens one’s connection with the divine.
  • Inner Peace: Provides solace and tranquility amidst life’s challenges.
  • Karmic Cleansing: Aids in purifying past karmas through sincere devotion.

Material Benefits

  • Financial Prosperity: Attracts wealth and financial stability.
  • Success in Endeavors: Improves chances of success in business and personal projects.
  • Abundance Mindset: Cultivates a positive attitude towards wealth and generosity.

Psychological Benefits

  • Stress Reduction: The rhythmic recitation calms the mind.
  • Positive Energy: Elevates one’s mood and dispels negativity.
  • Focus and Clarity: Enhances concentration and mental clarity.

How to Recite Laxmi Chalisa

Best Time and Day to Recite

  • Fridays: Considered the most auspicious day for Goddess Laxmi.
  • Diwali: The festival of lights is a significant occasion for her worship.
  • Akshaya Tritiya: A day that symbolizes eternal prosperity.

Rituals and Practices

  1. Preparation:
    • Cleanse Yourself: Take a bath to purify the body.
    • Clean Environment: Ensure the worship area is clean and decorated with flowers.
  2. Offerings:
    • Lamp and Incense: Light a diya (lamp) and incense sticks.
    • Prasad: Offer sweets, fruits, and other delicacies.
  3. Meditation:
    • Focus on the Deity: Visualize Goddess Laxmi’s form.
    • Chant with Devotion: Recite the Chalisa with a sincere heart.

Tips for Beginners

  • Learn the Correct Pronunciation: Mispronunciations can alter meanings.
  • Understand the Meaning: Reflect on the verses to deepen comprehension.
  • Regular Practice: Consistency enhances the benefits.

Laxmi Chalisa in Modern Life

In today’s fast-paced world, the Laxmi Chalisa remains a beacon for those seeking balance between material success and spiritual fulfillment.

Relevance in Today’s World

  • Financial Uncertainty: In times of economic instability, the Chalisa offers hope and guidance.
  • Work-Life Balance: Encourages prioritizing spiritual well-being alongside professional goals.
  • Ethical Wealth: Promotes earning and using wealth responsibly.

Stories of Transformation

Many devotees share testimonies of how reciting the Laxmi Chalisa has transformed their lives:

  • Entrepreneurs: Attribute business success to regular recitation.
  • Families: Report improved harmony and financial stability.
  • Individuals: Experience personal growth and fulfillment.


The Laxmi Chalisa is more than just a hymn; it’s a spiritual tool that bridges the gap between the mortal and the divine. By embracing its teachings and regularly reciting its verses, devotees can invite Goddess Laxmi’s blessings into their lives, fostering prosperity, peace, and purpose.

Embrace the divine energy of Goddess Laxmi and let the sacred vibrations of the Laxmi Chalisa guide you towards a life of abundance and fulfillment.

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