The following are the eight principles that will help you in understanding the Bible:
- Let Scripture be the last arbiter.
Look for ways to tie Bible verses together with other passages that provide context, explanation, and significance for all Christians
- Think about the Bible.
Spend some time thinking about your daily scripture readings, considering how we might apply biblical principles and parables to our life and develop a more profound love for Christ every day.
- Approach the Bible with trust and submission.
Come to the Bible with a sincere desire to know God’s instructions and to become more like Christ.
- Note the type of biblical literature you are reading.
Law, history, wisdom, poetry, narrative, epistles, prophecy, and apocalyptic literature are the principal genres represented in the Bible.
- Be mindful of historical or cultural context concerns.
Research the historical and cultural eras of the biblical ages in other writings. The book The Early Christians: In Their Own Words is one illustration.
- Consider the context.
Look for ways to relate the many Bible chapters to our lives and times by understanding their context.
- Read the Bible together as a group.
Find a Bible club in your church or with other Christians, or establish one yourself.
- Start the process of improving as an interpreter.
Establish a timetable for daily Bible reading and make a commitment to doing so. Investigate Bible reading schedules that outline a timeframe for completing the Bible in a year.