How to Identify an Original Sphatik Mala? Very Important Signs

Have you ever found yourself wondering if that beautiful Sphatik Mala you’re eyeing is the real deal? You’re not alone! Let’s dive into the world of these crystal prayer beads and uncover the secrets to spotting an original Sphatik Mala.

The Rich History of Sphatik Mala

Before we dive into identification, let’s take a quick journey through time. Sphatik Malas have been used in spiritual practices for thousands of years, with origins tracing back to ancient India. Interestingly, the use of crystal quartz in spiritual tools isn’t unique to India – ancient civilizations from Egypt to the Americas also prized this mineral for its perceived metaphysical properties.

Why Does Original Sphatik Mala Matter?

Now, you might be thinking, “Why should I care if it’s real or not?” Well, authentic Sphatik Malas are believed to have powerful healing properties and can enhance your spiritual practice. Plus, let’s face it – nobody likes being duped into buying a fake!

Telltale Signs of an Original Sphatik Mala

Crystal Clear Clarity

One of the first things to look for is clarity. A genuine Sphatik Mala should be clear as glass. If it looks cloudy or has a milky appearance, it might not be the real McCoy.

Cool to the Touch

Here’s a cool trick (pun intended): touch the beads to your cheek. Authentic crystal quartz feels cool to the touch, even in warm environments. If it doesn’t give you that cool sensation, be skeptical!

Hardness Test

Got a piece of glass handy? Try scratching it with one of the mala beads. Real crystal quartz is harder than glass and should be able to scratch it. Just be gentle – we don’t want any accidents!

Weight Matters

Genuine Sphatik Malas have a satisfying weight to them. If your mala feels unusually light, it might be made of glass or plastic instead of crystal quartz.

Imperfections Can Be Perfect

Believe it or not, small imperfections can actually be a good sign. Natural crystal quartz often has tiny inclusions or rainbow-like effects when held up to the light. If it looks too perfect, it might be man-made.

The Mohs Scale Test

Let’s get a bit scientific! Crystal quartz ranks 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means it can scratch minerals softer than itself, like fluorite (4) or apatite (5), but won’t scratch harder minerals like topaz (8) or corundum (9). If you have these minerals handy, you can perform a simple scratch test – just be careful not to damage your mala!

UV Fluorescence

Here’s a cool party trick: some natural quartz crystals fluoresce under UV light. While not all genuine Sphatik will show this property, if your mala glows under UV, it’s a good sign of authenticity. Synthetic quartz typically doesn’t exhibit this behavior.

The Energy Factor

This one’s a bit more subjective, but many people swear by it. Hold the mala in your hands and close your eyes. Do you feel a subtle vibration or energy? Authentic crystal quartz is said to have a unique energetic quality that you can sense.

Piezoelectric Properties

Speaking of energy, crystal quartz has a fascinating property called piezoelectricity. When pressure is applied to quartz, it generates a tiny electric charge. While you can’t test this directly with your mala, it’s this property that contributes to quartz’s use in watches and other electronic devices. It’s also believed to play a role in the crystal’s energetic qualities in spiritual practices.

Certification of Authenticity

Some high-end sellers now offer certificates of authenticity for their Sphatik Malas. While not foolproof, these certificates can provide an extra layer of assurance. They often include details about the crystal’s origin, quality, and sometimes even its energetic properties as assessed by spiritual practitioners.

Price as an Indicator

Let’s talk money for a second. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. High-quality Sphatik Malas aren’t cheap, so be wary of suspiciously low prices.

Where to Buy Orginal Sphatik Mala?

Your best bet for getting an authentic Sphatik Mala is to purchase from reputable sellers. Look for stores specializing in spiritual items or directly from trusted craftspeople. Online marketplaces can be hit or miss, so do your homework on the seller.

To know more red our comprehensive guide Sphatik Mala Price in India: Everything You Need to Know

The Sacred 108 in Original Sphatik Mala

Did you know that traditional Sphatik Malas typically have 108 beads? This number holds great significance in many Eastern philosophies. It’s said to represent the 108 earthly desires in Buddhism, the 108 Upanishads in Hinduism, and even connects to astrology – the distance between the Earth and Sun is roughly 108 times the Sun’s diameter!

Caring for Your Original Sphatik Mala

Once you’ve found your original Sphatik Mala, proper care is crucial. Unlike some other materials, crystal quartz is relatively durable. Here are the most important steps you can take to take care of your original sphatik mala:

  • Handle your original Sphatik Mala with care to maintain its energy and integrity.
  • Crystal quartz is relatively durable but should still be treated gently.
  • Cleanse your Sphatik Mala regularly using saltwater or moonlight, following traditional spiritual practices.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals when cleaning your mala, as they can damage the crystal.
  • Keep your Sphatik Mala out of prolonged direct sunlight to prevent any negative impact on its energy.

The Fake Mala Market

As the popularity of spiritual practices grows, so does the market for counterfeit malas. Recent reports suggest that up to 30% of “crystal” products sold online may be fake or misrepresented. This makes knowledge of authentication even more crucial for consumers.

Read More: Sphatik Mala Benefits: Unleashing the Power of Crystal Quartz for Mind, Body, and Spirit

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