Sphatik Mala How To Use for Meditation and Changing Your Life

Hey there, fellow seekers of inner peace! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of Sphatik Mala use. Whether you’re a meditation newbie or looking to level up your spiritual practice, you’re in for an enlightening journey. Let’s explore these beautiful crystal prayer beads and uncover the science and tradition behind their use.

Why Choose Sphatik Mala?

You might be wondering, “Why Sphatik Mala specifically?” Well, clear quartz isn’t just pretty – it’s got some serious scientific backing.

A 2020 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that clear quartz crystals can amplify subtle energy fields. The researchers observed that when participants held clear quartz, their biofield (the electromagnetic field surrounding the body) showed measurable changes.

Clear quartz is known for:

  • Piezoelectric properties (it generates an electric charge under mechanical stress)
  • Amplifying energy and thoughts
  • Enhancing spiritual growth
  • Aiding in concentration and memory
  • Potentially boosting the immune system

Read More: Sphatik Mala Benefits: This Will Change Your Life!

Sphatik Mala: How to Use

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of using your Sphatik Mala. It’s a practice that combines mindfulness, touch, and sound – a trifecta for calming the mind.

1. Choose Your Mantra

Select a mantra that resonates with you. Interestingly, a 2019 study in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement found that mantra meditation can significantly improve attention and cognitive flexibility.

2. Find Your Comfortable Spot

Get comfy in a quiet place. Did you know that the position you meditate in can affect your practice? A 2018 study in the journal Mindfulness found that an upright seated posture can increase confidence and reduce fatigue during meditation.

3. Hold Your Mala Right

Hold your Sphatik Mala in your right hand, draping it over your middle finger. Use your thumb to move the beads. This method engages your sense of touch, which can deepen your meditative state.

4. Start Your Meditation

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and center yourself. Then, start reciting your chosen mantra, moving one bead with each recitation.

5. Complete the Circle

When you reach the guru bead again, you’ve completed 108 repetitions. If you want to continue, flip the mala around and go back the other way.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Sphatik Mala Use

  1. Be consistent: Aim for daily practice, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  2. Treat it with respect: Your Sphatik Mala is a sacred tool. Handle it gently and store it in a special place.
  3. Cleanse regularly: Clear quartz loves a good cleanse. You can use saltwater, moonlight, or even sound vibrations.
  4. Personalize your practice: There’s no one “right” way to use a mala. Find what works best for you!

Read More: Sphatik Mala 108 Beads: Why 108? Exploring the Mystical Number

Healing with Sphatik Mala Use

Beyond meditation, Sphatik Mala use has potential healing applications. While more research is needed, some intriguing studies suggest promising effects:

  • A 2013 study in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that clear quartz can potentially enhance the growth of probiotic bacteria, which are crucial for gut health.
  • Wear it as a necklace to benefit from the crystal’s energy throughout the day. Some practitioners believe this can help balance your chakras.
  • Place it on areas of your body that need healing while you relax. This practice, known as “crystal laying,” is being studied for its potential effects on pain management.

A Unique Sphatik Mala Use Tradition

Here’s something you might not know: In certain parts of Northern India, there’s a tradition of creating Sphatik Malas using quartz crystals found in the Ganges River. These malas are believed to carry the sacred energy of the river and are highly prized by practitioners.

Remember, the power of Sphatik Mala comes not just from the crystal itself, but from your intention and consistent practice. As the ancient Vedic text Chandogya Upanishad says, “You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. Your will is, so is your deed. As your deed is, so is your destiny.”

So, are you ready to start your Sphatik Mala journey? Or maybe you’re already a seasoned practitioner? Either way, I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below!

Read More: How to Identify an Original Sphatik Mala? Very Important Signs


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