Surya Chalisa: Significance, Benefits, PDF and Detailed Interpretation

Surya Chalisa is a revered Hindu devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Surya, the Sun God. Comprising 40 verses, this sacred text is chanted by devotees seeking divine blessings, good health, and prosperity. In Hinduism, the Sun is not just a celestial body but a deity representing life, energy, and enlightenment. This blog delves deep into the significance, benefits, and proper method of reciting the Surya Chalisa, along with a detailed interpretation of its key themes.

What is Surya Chalisa?

The term Chalisa originates from the Hindi word chalis, meaning forty. Thus, Surya Chalisa consists of forty verses that praise Lord Surya and seek his benevolence. Written in Awadhi, a dialect of Hindi, the hymn is accessible to a broad spectrum of devotees. Each verse encapsulates profound spiritual insights and pays homage to the various attributes of Lord Surya.

Surya Chalisa Lyrics

सूर्य चालीसा


कनक बदन कुण्डल मकर, मुक्ता माला अड्ग ।
पद्मासन स्थित ध्याइये, शंख चक्र के सड्ग ॥


जय सविता जय जयति दिवाकर । सहस्त्रांशु सप्ताश्व तिमिरहर ॥
भानु पतंग मरीची भास्कर सविता । हंस सुनूर विभाकर ॥

विवस्वान आदित्य विकर्तन । मार्तण्ड हरिरूप विरोचन ॥
अम्बरमणि खग रवि कहलाते । वेद हिरण्यगर्भ कह गाते ॥

सहस्त्रांशुप्रद्योतन कहि कहि । मुनिगन होत प्रसन्न मोदलहि ॥
अरुण सदृश सारथी मनोहर । हाँकत हय साता चढ़ि रथ पर ॥

मंडल की महिमा अति न्यारी । तेज रूप केरी बलिहारी ॥
उच्चैःश्रवा सदृश हय जोते । देखि पुरंदर लज्जित होते ॥

मित्र मरीचि भानु । अरुण भास्कर सविता ॥
सूर्य अर्क खग । कलिकर पूषा रवि ॥

आदित्य नाम लै । हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः कहिकै ॥
द्वादस नाम प्रेम सों गावैं । मस्तक बारह बार नवावै ॥

चार पदारथ सो जन पावै । दुःख दारिद्र अध पुञ्ज नसावै ॥
नमस्कार को चमत्कार यह । विधि हरिहर कौ कृपासार यह ॥

सेवै भानु तुमहिं मन लाई । अष्टसिद्धि नवनिधि तेहिं पाई ॥
बारह नाम उच्चारन करते । सहस जनम के पातक टरते ॥

उपाख्यान जो करते तवजन । रिपु सों जमलहते सोतेहि छन ॥
छन सुत जुत परिवार बढतु है । प्रबलमोह को फँद कटतु है ॥

अर्क शीश को रक्षा करते । रवि ललाट पर नित्य बिहरते ॥
सूर्य नेत्र पर नित्य विराजत । कर्ण देस पर दिनकर छाजत ॥

भानु नासिका वास रहु नित । भास्कर करत सदा मुख कौ हित ॥
ओंठ रहैं पर्जन्य हमारे । रसना बीच तीक्ष्ण बस प्यारे ॥

कंठ सुवर्ण रेत की शोभा । तिग्मतेजसः कांधे लोभा ॥
पूषां बाहू मित्र पीठहिं पर । त्वष्टा वरुण रहम सुउष्णाकर ॥

युगल हाथ पर रक्षा कारन । भानुमान उरसर्म सुउदरचन ॥
बसत नाभि आदित्य मनोहर । कटि मंह हँस रहत मन मुदभर ॥

जंघा गोपति सविता बासा । गुप्त दिवाकर करत हुलासा ॥
विवस्वान पद की रखवारी । बाहर बसते नित तम हारी ॥

सहस्त्रांशु सर्वांग सम्हारै । रक्षा कवच विचित्र विचारे ॥
अस जोजन अपने मन माहीं । भय जग बीज करहुँ तेहि नाहीं ॥

दरिद्र कुष्ट तेहिं कबहुँ न व्यापै । जोजन याको मनमहं जापै ॥
अंधकार जग का जो हरता । नव प्रकाश से आनन्द भरता ॥

ग्रह गन ग्रिस न मिटावत जाही । कोटि बार मैं प्रनवौं ताही ॥
मन्द सदृश सुतजग में जाके । धर्मराज सम अद्भुत बाँके ॥

धन्य धन्य तुम दिनमनि देवा । किया करत सुरमुनि नर सेवा ॥
भक्ति भावतुत पूर्ण नियमसों । दूर हटतसो भवके भ्रमसों ॥

परम माघ महं सूर्य फाल्गुन । मध वेदांगनाम रवि गावै ॥
भानु उदय वैसाख गिनावै । ज्येष्ट इन्द्र आषाढ़ रवि गावै ॥

यह भादों आश्विन हिमरेता । कातिक होत दिवाकर नेता ॥
अगहन भिन्न विष्णु हैं पूसहिं । पुरुष नाम रवि हैं मलमासहिं ॥


भानु चालीसा प्रेम युत, गावहि जे नर नित्य ।
सुख साम्पत्ति लहै विविध, होंहि सदा कृतकृत्य ॥

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Historical and Cultural Significance Surya Chalisa

Ancient Roots

Lord Surya holds a pivotal place in Hindu mythology and scriptures. Ancient texts like the Rig Veda, one of the oldest known religious texts, contain hymns dedicated to the Sun God, highlighting his importance since time immemorial. Surya is considered the soul of the universe, governing the cycles of life and nature.

Association with Festivals

Surya Chalisa is often recited during significant festivals like Makar Sankranti and Chhath Puja, which celebrate the Sun’s role in sustaining life on Earth. During these festivals, devotees offer prayers and make offerings to express gratitude and seek blessings for prosperity and well-being.

Symbolism in Hinduism

In Hindu iconography, Lord Surya is depicted riding a chariot harnessed by seven horses, symbolizing the seven colors of the rainbow and the seven days of the week. This representation underscores his role as the source of all energy and life forces.

The Essence of Surya Chalisa

Understanding the essence of Surya Chalisa can enrich your recitation experience. The hymn begins by invoking Lord Surya’s blessings and acknowledging his supreme power. It goes on to describe his various attributes, such as:

  • Illuminator of the Universe: Surya is praised as the light that dispels darkness and ignorance.
  • Bestower of Life: He is recognized as the source of all life forms on Earth.
  • Healer of Ailments: The hymn acknowledges his power to cure diseases and promote well-being.
  • Embodiment of Dharma: Surya is revered as the upholder of righteousness and moral order.

Each verse serves as a meditation on these qualities, encouraging devotees to internalize them and strive towards spiritual growth.

Benefits of Reciting Surya Chalisa

1. Spiritual Growth

Regular recitation fosters a deeper connection with the divine, promoting inner peace and spiritual enlightenment. It helps in cultivating virtues like discipline, compassion, and integrity.

2. Health Benefits

As the embodiment of health and vitality, invoking Lord Surya is believed to alleviate health issues, especially those related to the eyes, skin, and heart. Sun worship has been associated with boosting immunity and overall well-being.

3. Mental Clarity

Chanting the Chalisa enhances concentration and dispels negative thoughts, leading to mental clarity. It aids in reducing stress and anxiety by aligning the mind with positive energies.

4. Prosperity and Success

Devotees seek Lord Surya’s blessings for success in personal and professional endeavors. The hymn is believed to attract opportunities and remove obstacles from one’s path.

5. Astrological Remedies

In Vedic astrology, Surya represents the soul, authority, and willpower. Reciting Surya Chalisa can mitigate the malefic effects of planetary positions and strengthen beneficial influences.

How to Recite Surya Chalisa

Step 1: Purification

Begin by taking a bath to purify the body and wear clean, preferably light-colored clothes. Physical cleanliness is considered essential for spiritual practices.

Step 2: Altar Setup

  • Location: Choose a quiet and clean space facing east, where you can focus without distractions.
  • Image or Idol: Place an image or idol of Lord Surya on a clean altar or a raised platform.
  • Offerings: Prepare offerings such as red flowers, rice grains, incense sticks, and sandalwood paste.

Step 3: Meditation

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take deep breaths to calm your mind. Visualize the radiant form of Lord Surya, filling you with light and energy.

Step 4: Invocation

Begin with a short prayer or mantra to invoke Lord Surya’s presence. Common invocations include:

  • Om Suryaya Namaha
  • Om Hrim Sum Suryaya Namaha

Step 5: Chanting the Surya Chalisa

  • Pronunciation: Ensure correct pronunciation to maximize the hymn’s spiritual vibrations.
  • Devotion: Recite with sincerity and focus on the meaning of each verse.
  • Repetition: You may choose to recite the Chalisa multiple times, such as three or seven times, based on your devotion.

Step 6: Conclusion

  • Aarti: Perform an aarti (light offering) by circling a lit lamp or candle in front of the deity.
  • Prasad: Offer fruits or sweets as prasad (blessed food) and share it with family members.
  • Gratitude: Conclude by expressing gratitude for the blessings received.

Best Time for Recitation

The optimal time to recite Surya Chalisa is during sunrise, known as Brahma Muhurta (approximately 4:00 AM to 6:00 AM). This period is considered highly auspicious for spiritual practices due to the serene environment and potent energy.

Facing East

While reciting, face east—the direction of the rising sun—to align yourself with Lord Surya’s energy. This orientation enhances the benefits of the recitation by harmonizing your vibrations with the natural flow of cosmic energy.

Detailed Interpretation of Surya Chalisa

दोहा (Doha)

कनक बदन कुण्डल मकर, मुक्ता माला अड्ग ।
पद्मासन स्थित ध्याइये, शंख चक्र के सड्ग ॥


“With a golden face adorned with fish-shaped earrings and a pearl necklace around the neck, meditate upon the one seated in the lotus position, accompanied by the conch and the discus.”

चौपाई (Chaupai)

जय सविता जय जयति दिवाकर ।
सहस्त्रांशु सप्ताश्व तिमिरहर ॥


“Victory to Savita (the Sun), glory to the illuminator! O thousand-rayed one, rider of the seven horses, remover of darkness!”

भानु पतंग मरीची भास्कर सविता ।
हंस सुनूर विभाकर ॥


“You are Bhanu (the bright one), Patang (the flying one), Marichi (the ray), Bhaskar (the illuminator), Savita (the creator), Hans (the swan), Sunur (the son of the sky), Vibhakar (the radiant one).”

विवस्वान आदित्य विकर्तन ।
मार्तण्ड हरिरूप विरोचन ॥


“You are Vivasvan (the shining one), Aditya (son of Aditi), Vikartan (the remover of obstacles), Martanda (born from a dead egg), Hariroop (form of Vishnu), Virochan (the illuminator).”

अम्बरमणि खग रवि कहलाते ।
वेद हिरण्यगर्भ कह गाते ॥


“You are known as Ambarmani (jewel of the sky), Khaga (sky traveler), and Ravi (sun). The Vedas sing of you as Hiranyagarbha (the golden womb).”

सहस्त्रांशुप्रद्योतन कहि कहि ।
मुनिगन होत प्रसन्न मोदलहि ॥


“The sages become joyful and pleased while repeatedly calling you Sahasranshu (thousand-rayed) and Pradyotan (the illuminator).”

अरुण सदृश सारथी मनोहर ।
हाँकत हय साता चढ़ि रथ पर ॥


“Your charming charioteer is like Aruna (the dawn), who drives the seven horses on your chariot.”

मंडल की महिमा अति न्यारी ।
तेज रूप केरी बलिहारी ॥


“The glory of your sphere is unique; I am in awe of your radiant form.”

उच्चैःश्रवा सदृश हय जोते ।
देखि पुरंदर लज्जित होते ॥


“Your horses are like Uccaiḥśravā (the celestial horse); even Indra, the king of gods, feels humbled upon seeing them.”

मित्र मरीचि भानु ।
अरुण भास्कर सविता ॥


“You are Mitra (friend), Marichi (ray), Bhanu (bright one), Aruna (dawn), Bhaskar (illuminator), Savita (creator).”

सूर्य अर्क खग ।
कलिकर पूषा रवि ॥


“You are Surya (sun), Arka (radiant), Khaga (sky traveler), Kalikar (the one who moves time), Pusha (nourisher), Ravi (sun).”

आदित्य नाम लै ।
हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः कहिकै ॥


“By reciting your twelve names and saying ‘Salutations to Hiranyagarbha’…”

द्वादस नाम प्रेम सों गावैं ।
मस्तक बारह बार नवावै ॥


“…those who lovingly sing your twelve names and bow their heads twelve times…”

चार पदारथ सो जन पावै ।
दुःख दारिद्र अध पुञ्ज नसावै ॥


“…they attain the four goals of life (dharma, artha, kama, moksha) and dispel heaps of sorrow, poverty, and misfortune.”

नमस्कार को चमत्कार यह ।
विधि हरिहर कौ कृपासार यह ॥


“Such is the miracle of offering salutations; it embodies the grace of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.”

सेवै भानु तुमहिं मन लाई ।
अष्टसिद्धि नवनिधि तेहिं पाई ॥


“He who serves you with a focused mind, O Bhanu (Sun), attains the eight siddhis (supernatural powers) and nine treasures.”

बारह नाम उच्चारन करते ।
सहस जनम के पातक टरते ॥


“By uttering your twelve names, sins accumulated over a thousand lifetimes are destroyed.”

उपाख्यान जो करते तवजन ।
रिपु सों जमलहते सोतेहि छन ॥


“Those devotees who recite your stories are instantly freed from enemies and the fear of death.”

छन सुत जुत परिवार बढतु है ।
प्रबलमोह को फँद कटतु है ॥


“Their wealth, sons, and family prosper, and the bonds of strong attachments are cut.”

अर्क शीश को रक्षा करते ।
रवि ललाट पर नित्य बिहरते ॥


“Arka (the Sun) protects the head, and Ravi (the Sun) always resides on the forehead.”

सूर्य नेत्र पर नित्य विराजत ।
कर्ण देस पर दिनकर छाजत ॥


“Surya (the Sun) always adorns the eyes, and Dinkar (day-maker) shines upon the ears.”

भानु नासिका वास रहु नित ।
भास्कर करत सदा मुख कौ हित ॥


“May Bhanu (bright one) always reside in the nose, and Bhaskar (illuminator) always benefit the mouth.”

ओंठ रहैं पर्जन्य हमारे ।
रसना बीच तीक्ष्ण बस प्यारे ॥


“May Parjanya (rain-giver) reside on my lips, and dear Tikshna (sharp one) dwell in the tongue.”

कंठ सुवर्ण रेत की शोभा ।
तिग्मतेजसः कांधे लोभा ॥


“May the neck shine with the glory of Suvarnaretā (golden-semened one), and Tigmatejas (sharp-rayed one) be on the shoulders.”

पूषां बाहू मित्र पीठहिं पर ।
त्वष्टा वरुण रहम सुउष्णाकर ॥


“May Pusha (nourisher) be in the arms, Mitra (friend) on the back, Tvashta (creator) and Varuna (god of water) reside, and Sushnakar (heat-maker) be present.”

युगल हाथ पर रक्षा कारन ।
भानुमान उरसर्म सुउदरचन ॥


“For the protection of both hands, may Bhanuman (radiant one) be in the chest and Sudarshan (beautiful one) in the abdomen.”

बसत नाभि आदित्य मनोहर ।
कटि मंह हँस रहत मन मुदभर ॥


“May the delightful Aditya reside in the navel, and Hans (swan) dwell in the waist, filling the mind with joy.”

जंघा गोपति सविता बासा ।
गुप्त दिवाकर करत हुलासा ॥


“May Gopati (lord of senses) and Savita (creator) reside in the thighs, and the hidden Divakar (day-maker) bring delight.”

विवस्वान पद की रखवारी ।
बाहर बसते नित तम हारी ॥


“May Vivasvan (shining one) guard the feet, and the dispeller of darkness always reside externally.”

सहस्त्रांशु सर्वांग सम्हारै ।
रक्षा कवच विचित्र विचारे ॥


“May the thousand-rayed one protect all limbs; such is the wondrous protective armor.”

अस जोजन अपने मन माहीं ।
भय जग बीज करहुँ तेहि नाहीं ॥


“One who keeps this in mind has no fear of worldly dangers.”

दरिद्र कुष्ट तेहिं कबहुँ न व्यापै ।
जोजन याको मनमहं जापै ॥


“Poverty and leprosy never afflict those who recite this in their minds.”

अंधकार जग का जो हरता ।
नव प्रकाश से आनन्द भरता ॥


“He who removes the world’s darkness fills it with new light and joy.”

ग्रह गन ग्रिस न मिटावत जाही ।
कोटि बार मैं प्रनवौं ताही ॥


“He who destroys the influence of adverse planets—I bow to him millions of times.”

मन्द सदृश सुतजग में जाके ।
धर्मराज सम अद्भुत बाँके ॥


“Whose son Shani (Saturn) is in the world like Manda (slow-moving) and is as just as Dharma Raja (Yama, god of death).”

धन्य धन्य तुम दिनमनि देवा ।
किया करत सुरमुनि नर सेवा ॥


“Blessed, blessed are you, O Sun God, whom gods, sages, and humans serve.”

भक्ति भावतुत पूर्ण नियमसों ।
दूर हटतसो भवके भ्रमसों ॥


“With complete devotion and discipline, worldly illusions are dispelled.”

परम माघ महं सूर्य फाल्गुन ।
मध वेदांगनाम रवि गावै ॥


“In the sacred month of Magha, the Sun is called Phalguna; in mid-Vedas, he is sung as Ravi.”

भानु उदय वैसाख गिनावै ।
ज्येष्ट इन्द्र आषाढ़ रवि गावै ॥


“In Vaisakha, he is counted as Bhanu Uday (sunrise); in Jyeshtha, Indra sings of him; in Ashadha, he is called Ravi.”

यह भादों आश्विन हिमरेता ।
कातिक होत दिवाकर नेता ॥


“In Bhadrapada and Ashwin, he is Himreta (giver of cold rays); in Kartika, Divakar (day-maker) is the leader.”

अगहन भिन्न विष्णु हैं पूसहिं ।
पुरुष नाम रवि हैं मलमासहिं ॥


“In Agahan (Margashirsha), he is Vishnu; in Pausha, he is known as Purusha (supreme being); in the extra month (Malmas), he is called Ravi.”

दोहा (Doha)

भानु चालीसा प्रेम युत, गावहि जे नर नित्य ।
सुख साम्पत्ति लहै विविध, होंहि सदा कृतकृत्य ॥


“Those who sing this Bhanu Chalisa daily with love attain various kinds of happiness and wealth and always achieve fulfillment.”


Surya Chalisa serves as a powerful medium to connect with Lord Surya’s divine energy. Whether you seek spiritual growth, health, or prosperity, incorporating this sacred hymn into your daily routine can bring transformative changes to your life. The practice not only honors an ancient tradition but also cultivates virtues that enhance personal and communal well-being.

Embark on this spiritual journey towards enlightenment and well-being by embracing the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the Surya Chalisa. May Lord Surya’s radiant blessings illuminate your path and fill your life with joy and prosperity.

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  1. Surya – The Sun God in Hinduism
    Wikipedia: Surya
  2. Surya Dev Chalisa – Bhakti HomeRead more here 
  3. Shri Surya Dev Chalisa Lyrics – One India:  Read the full article 

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