What are the methods for preservation of sexual energy for the common sadhaka?

In the following excerpt, Swami Kripalvananda answers about the various methods and techniques that can be deployed by a common sadhaka for preservation of celibacy and sexual energy.

(1.) Yoga Technique

If for any reason there is a thought of sexual desire, the eyes should be fixed between the eyebrows. This will pacify this undesired awakening. With the strengthening of apana vayu, the sexual organ awakens and the mind becomes troubled. As the mind is absorbed into this passion, the apana vayu and the sexual organ become unrestrained. In this situation, one should seek refuge in prana in order to restrain the momentum of apana.

This refuge in prana may be attained by fixing the eyes between the eyebrows. On attaining this refuge, the apana is weakened and the awakening of the sexual organ is subdued. Frequent concentration of the eyes between the eyebrows alters the momentum of the vayu and due to this change in momentum; the direction of the mind is also altered.

Just as one may stop the turning of the wheel of a machine by pressing a switch, so the activated sexual urge of the body-machine may be restrained by fixing the eyes between the eyebrows frequently. This urge will invariably be restrained by this yogic technique. To abstemious sadhakas, this technique is a divine treasure.

In anuloma-viloma, the energy of the incantation is increased, thus the mind is strengthened and is not dominated by sexual desire.

(2.) Ordinary Techniques

(a) If there is a thought of sexual desire in the mind, it can be pacified simply by drinking a glass of cold water and engaging the mind in good thoughts.

(b) At that time the sex drive is restrained by fixing the mind on the idea of a mother, sister, daughter, deity, or holy idol of revered Sadguru. However, it is to be kept in mind here that this device will succeed only if there is extreme reverence for the person one has in mind.

(c) By abandoning solitude, too, sexual desire may be subdued.

(d) At that time a fine stream of cold water should be poured on the sexual organ after urination. This will interfere with the sexual thoughts in the mind and replace them with new thoughts. Thus the sexual desire will be weakened and destroyed.

(e) A bath of cold water will also quieter the sexual desire.

(f) By standing in waist deep water or sitting in a tub filled with cold water, one may destroy sexual desire.

g) By performing fifteen to twenty anuloma-viloma pranayamas along with the recitation of the Guru mantra, one may also pacify this desire. Instead of anuloma-viloma, bhastrika pranayama may be practiced. In anuloma-viloma, the energy of the incantation is increased, thus the mind is strengthened and is not dominated by sexual desire.

(h) By studying Holy Scriptures, praying to the Lord, and chanting mantra, the sexual desire is destroyed.

This concludes the answer given by Swami Kripalvananda on the topic of preservation of sexual energy in Yoga and Ayurveda.

The above passage is an excerpt from the book Yoga and Celibacy by Swami Kripalvananda.

For more articles on the concept of sexual energy see this section.

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