Sex and Spirituality: How They Can Work Together

A highly detailed and colorful oil on canvas painting of couple in spiritual love.

Sex and spirituality are two topics that have been intertwined throughout human history, yet are often approached as separate entities. While sex is often seen as a physical act, spirituality is often associated with the non-physical or transcendent aspects of life. However, the two are intimately connected, and exploring this connection can lead to a … Read more

Siddhayoni Asana (Sexual Energy Sublimation for Women): Procedure, Benefits, Precautions

Mindful woman sitting in Lotus pose on river shore

The meaning of the word “yoni” in Sanskrit is ‘womb’ or the ‘source.’ Siddhayoni Asana is a special asana for women that according to the theory of Yoga, stimulates the sexual energy stored in the mooladhara chakra and directs it upwards towards higher energy centers. Mention In Scriptures The Siddha Yoni Asana is a female … Read more

Pythagoras views on celibacy

Illustration from 1913 showing Pythagoras teaching a class of women. Many prominent members of his school were women and some modern scholars think that he may have believed that women should be taught philosophy as well as men.

The following exercpt is taken from the book A History of Celibacy, page 43, The Influence of Greek Philosophy by Elizabeth Abbott. In this section of the book Elizabeth details the views Pythagoras had on the topic of celibacy and conservation of sexual energy. It is fascinating to understand the take of this great philosopher, … Read more

What are the methods for preservation of sexual energy for the common sadhaka?


In the following excerpt, Swami Kripalvananda answers about the various methods and techniques that can be deployed by a common sadhaka for preservation of celibacy and sexual energy. (1.) Yoga Technique If for any reason there is a thought of sexual desire, the eyes should be fixed between the eyebrows. This will pacify this undesired awakening. With … Read more

What is the value of semen retention?

In the following excerpt, Swami Sivananda gives the answer on the virtues of semen retention: My dear brothers! The vital energy, the Veerya that supports your life, which is the Prana of Pranas, which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. Remember this point well. … Read more

Ashwini Mudra Sexual Energy Sublimation – Technique, Benefits, Precautions

Ashwini mudra belongs to a class of mudras that are used for sexual energy sublimation. These mudras are called Adhara or perineal mudras. They redirect the prana from the lower centers (Mooldhara chakra) of the body to the higher centers (Ajna chakra). Mudras included in the Adhara group are: Vajroli/Sahajoli mudra Ashwini Mudra Definition in … Read more

Ojas Meaning in Ayurveda: The Essence of Vitality and Immunity

Chakras and Energy

What is Ojas in Ayurveda? Ojas is a powerful concept in Ayurveda, known as the “essence of vitality.” Often seen as a subtle life force, Ojas represents the strength, immunity, and mental clarity that fuel a healthy life. In Ayurveda and Yoga, Ojas is the foundation of a strong mind, a resilient body, and spiritual … Read more

Vajroli Mudra Sexual Energy Sublimation – Technique, Benefits, Precautions

purple and brown colored planet

Vajra means a ‘thunderbolt’ or a ‘lightning.’ In the context of yoga, it refers to the vajra nadi that regulates the urogenital system. Vajra Nadi is also considered to be the flow of energy within the spinal column that governs the sexual systems of the body. It can be said that it is responsible for … Read more