श्री राधा स्तुति/Radha Stuti – Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits

Radha Stuti, also known as the Radha Prarthana, is a sacred hymn dedicated to Radha, the beloved consort of Lord Krishna. It is revered in Hindu traditions for its profound spiritual significance and the divine grace it bestows upon the devotees. Radha, who embodies the essence of devotion and love, holds a special place in the hearts of millions. This article delves into the Radha Stuti, exploring its meaning, benefits, and the lyrical beauty of this devotional hymn.

श्री राधा स्तुति (Radha Stuti) Lyrics

The Radha Stuti, written in Sanskrit, is a beautiful invocation of Radha’s divine qualities. Here are the original verses:

नमस्ते परमेशानि रासमण्डलवासिनी।
रासेश्वरि नमस्तेऽस्तु कृष्ण प्राणाधिकप्रिये।।
नमस्त्रैलोक्यजननि प्रसीद करुणार्णवे।
ब्रह्मविष्ण्वादिभिर्देवैर्वन्द्यमान पदाम्बुजे।।
नम: सरस्वतीरूपे नम: सावित्रि शंकरि।
गंगापद्मावनीरूपे षष्ठि मंगलचण्डिके।।
नमस्ते तुलसीरूपे नमो लक्ष्मीस्वरुपिणी।
नमो दुर्गे भगवति नमस्ते सर्वरूपिणी।।
मूलप्रकृतिरूपां त्वां भजाम: करुणार्णवाम्।
संसारसागरादस्मदुद्धराम्ब दयां कुरु।।

Shree Radha Stuti

Meaning of Radha Stuti

To understand the depth of Radha Stuti, it is essential to break down its verses and grasp the meaning behind them:

  1. नमस्ते परमेशानि रासमण्डलवासिनी। रासेश्वरि नमस्तेऽस्तु कृष्ण प्राणाधिकप्रिये।
    • Salutations to you, O Supreme Goddess, who resides in the circle of the Rasa dance. O Queen of the Rasa dance, salutations to you, the one dearer to Krishna than his own life.
  2. नमस्त्रैलोक्यजननि प्रसीद करुणार्णवे। ब्रह्मविष्ण्वादिभिर्देवैर्वन्द्यमान पदाम्बुजे।
    • Salutations to you, O Mother of the three worlds, be pleased, O ocean of compassion. Your lotus feet are worshipped by gods like Brahma and Vishnu.
  3. नम: सरस्वतीरूपे नम: सावित्रि शंकरि। गंगापद्मावनीरूपे षष्ठि मंगलचण्डिके।
    • Salutations to you in the form of Saraswati, Salutations to you as Savitri and Shankari. You are the form of Ganga, Padmavati, Shashthi, Mangala, and Chandika.
  4. नमस्ते तुलसीरूपे नमो लक्ष्मीस्वरुपिणी। नमो दुर्गे भगवति नमस्ते सर्वरूपिणी।
    • Salutations to you in the form of Tulsi, Salutations to you in the form of Lakshmi. Salutations to you, O Goddess Durga, Salutations to you who embodies all forms.
  5. मूलप्रकृतिरूपां त्वां भजाम: करुणार्णवाम्। संसारसागरादस्मदुद्धराम्ब दयां कुरु।
    • We worship you, the primordial nature, the ocean of compassion. Please bestow your mercy upon us and uplift us from the ocean of worldly existence.

Benefits of Reciting Radha Stuti

Reciting Radha Stuti with devotion is believed to bring numerous spiritual and worldly benefits. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Spiritual Elevation: Regular recitation of Radha Stuti can lead to spiritual awakening and inner peace. Devotees experience a closer connection with the divine and find solace in Radha’s compassion.
  2. Divine Protection: The hymn is considered a protective shield against negative influences and adversities. Radha’s divine grace is believed to safeguard devotees from harm.
  3. Fulfillment of Desires: Radha Stuti is known for its power to fulfill the sincere desires of the devotees. Whether it is material prosperity or spiritual growth, Radha’s blessings are sought for all aspects of life.
  4. Enhanced Devotion: Reciting the stuti enhances one’s devotion towards Radha and Krishna. It deepens the emotional and spiritual bond with the divine couple, fostering a sense of unconditional love and surrender.
  5. Mental Peace and Harmony: Chanting Radha Stuti brings mental peace and harmony. The soothing verses help in calming the mind, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being.

Detailed Explanation of Radha Stuti Verses

To truly appreciate the Radha Stuti, let’s delve into a detailed explanation of each verse:

Verse 1: Salutations to the Supreme Goddess

“नमस्ते परमेशानि रासमण्डलवासिनी। रासेश्वरि नमस्तेऽस्तु कृष्ण प्राणाधिकप्रिये।”

This verse pays homage to Radha as the supreme goddess residing in the Rasa Mandala, the sacred circle of the Rasa dance. Radha is revered as the queen of the Rasa dance, a divine performance that symbolizes the eternal love and joy between Radha and Krishna. The verse also emphasizes Radha’s paramount importance in Krishna’s life, highlighting her as dearer to him than his own life.

Verse 2: Mother of the Three Worlds

“नमस्त्रैलोक्यजननि प्रसीद करुणार्णवे। ब्रह्मविष्ण्वादिभिर्देवैर्वन्द्यमान पदाम्बुजे।”

Here, Radha is hailed as the mother of the three worlds, encompassing the entire creation. The verse beseeches Radha to be compassionate and to bestow her mercy upon the devotees. It also acknowledges the reverence that gods like Brahma and Vishnu have for Radha, as they worship her lotus feet.

Verse 3: Embodiment of Various Goddesses

“नम: सरस्वतीरूपे नम: सावित्रि शंकरि। गंगापद्मावनीरूपे षष्ठि मंगलचण्डिके।”

This verse recognizes Radha’s embodiment of various goddesses. She is Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge; Savitri, the creative energy; Shankari, the consort of Shiva; Ganga, the sacred river; Padmavati, the goddess of prosperity; Shashthi, the protector of children; Mangala, the auspicious one; and Chandika, the fierce form of the goddess. This multitude of forms signifies Radha’s omnipresence and her ability to manifest in various aspects of divinity.

Verse 4: Manifestation of Tulsi and Lakshmi

“नमस्ते तुलसीरूपे नमो लक्ष्मीस्वरुपिणी। नमो दुर्गे भगवति नमस्ते सर्वरूपिणी।”

Radha is saluted in the form of Tulsi, the sacred plant worshipped for its purifying properties, and Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. The verse also acknowledges Radha as Durga, the warrior goddess, and as the universal form encompassing all divine manifestations. This highlights Radha’s versatility and her encompassing nature as the ultimate divine feminine.

Verse 5: The Primordial Nature

“मूलप्रकृतिरूपां त्वां भजाम: करुणार्णवाम्। संसारसागरादस्मदुद्धराम्ब दयां कुरु।”

In the final verse, Radha is addressed as the primordial nature, the source of all creation. The devotees seek her compassion and mercy, asking her to uplift them from the ocean of worldly existence. This verse encapsulates the essence of seeking divine intervention to transcend the material world and attain spiritual liberation.

The Cultural Significance of Radha Stuti

Radha Stuti holds immense cultural and spiritual significance in Hinduism. Radha, as the epitome of devotion, symbolizes the soul’s longing for union with the divine. Her unwavering love for Krishna is a metaphor for the spiritual aspirant’s quest for self-realization and divine love.

Festivals and Celebrations

Radha Stuti is often recited during festivals and celebrations dedicated to Radha and Krishna. Radhashtami, the birth anniversary of Radha, is a major festival where devotees sing hymns and perform rituals to honor her. The Rasa Lila, a traditional dance depicting the divine love of Radha and Krishna, is performed with great fervor in various parts of India.

Temples and Pilgrimages

Several temples across India are dedicated to Radha and Krishna, where Radha Stuti is recited as part of daily worship. The towns of Vrindavan and Barsana, associated with the legends of Radha and Krishna, attract thousands of pilgrims who come to seek Radha’s blessings and experience the divine love.


Radha Stuti is not just a hymn; it is a profound expression of devotion and love towards Radha, the divine consort of Krishna. Its verses encapsulate the essence of divine compassion, protection, and the fulfillment of desires. By understanding and reciting Radha Stuti, devotees can experience a deeper connection with the divine, attain spiritual growth, and find solace in Radha’s eternal grace.

Through this comprehensive exploration of Radha Stuti, we gain insight into its spiritual significance, the benefits of its recitation, and the lyrical beauty that continues to inspire and uplift devotees around the world. Let us embrace the divine love of Radha and Krishna, and let Radha Stuti be a guiding light in our spiritual journey.

Read More:


  1. Goswami, Rupa – “Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu” – Read more
  2. Vedic Literature – Various texts such as the “Garga Samhita” and “Brahma Vaivarta Purana”
  3. Modern Interpretations – Works by contemporary spiritual leaders such as Radhanath Swami and Satsvarupa dasa Goswami – Radhanath Swami | Satsvarupa dasa Goswami
  4. Radha and Krishna Temples – Information about famous temples dedicated to Radha and Krishna – ISKCON Temples | Barsana Temples
  5. Hinduism Stack Exchange – Discussions and explanations on Radha Stuti – Radha Stuti Discussion

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